The thought for today. We should help other people. It is pretty apparent. Nevertheless, I believe that first of all, we should allow ourselves.
Why? Because if we help ourselves in the first place, we will possess more strength and resources to provide the necessary aid to others. This process will come unconsciously. Only people who are healthy enough and who have energy and power at a high level can benefit others.
Helping others will naturally come to us, but only if we are mentally and physically fit. Moreover, we should also be relaxed appropriately and cared for.
Please do your best for yourself; take care of yourself first, my Dear Friend. I know that we are all being told almost daily that caring for others will also benefit us. That is right. But remember that the more you help yourself, the more time, energy, and resources you will have to care for others.
How can we benefit ourselves? Is hard work the only way? Working hard, indeed, is crucial.
But remember, my Dear Guest, that taking proper rest is as essential as working hard. If appropriately relaxed, we will possess more energy to cope with many issues. Then, we will have more time and power to consider how to serve society. Volunteering is probably one of the best ways to benefit the community you were raised in.
But, it is also a broadly defined societal task not to overwhelm a single person.
Such things as overworking can destroy a natural desire to help others. Why? Because the singular human will not possess the necessary resources to provide aid for others. Thus, I want to stress that by helping yourself, in the long term, you will also benefit society.
To summarize, I want to stress that we all should not forget about the following:
1) taking enough relaxation;
2) helping ourselves in the first place;
3) if points 1) and 2) are accomplished, helping others will naturally come to us.