Sooner or later, in 2022, it had to happen that the heatwave prevented me from doing street photography.
When exactly did it happen? It was Sunday, the 19th of June, 2022. I went to the local groceries at noon to buy eggs and cat food. When I realized how hot it was, I immediately decided not to do street photography that day. The temperature was 32 degrees Celsius (89,6 degrees Fahrenheit). The truth is that I am only a human. Like all other people, I also have my disadvantages. I cannot be a superhero who devotes every hour to passion daily.
I am Adam Mazek. The truth is that I am vulnerable to a heatwave.
I prefer staying at home when there are more than 30 degrees Celsius outside. I remember that throughout the last few years, there were many hot days when I did not do street photography because of the heatwave. The 19th of June was the first case in 2022. I hope there won’t be too many similarities in the future. Still, it merely had to happen, sooner or later.
I wrote many times on the blog that I love to expose my body to the cold. How? By taking cold showers and walking in summer clothes (including the t-shirt).
I must admit that I miss days with frigid temperatures during hot days. I believe that it is always easier to shelter from the cold than the hot. While walking in freezing temperatures, you can always add a new layer of warm clothes. Unfortunately, on hot summer days, one cannot take off skin to feel chill in one’s body.
Moreover, cold provides many benefits to the human body. I like warmth, but I often cannot overcome the heatwave’s influence on my body. Ok, I will finish this writing. I would eat some eggs and take a cold shower to chill myself.