On the last day of Autumn 2021, I broke another record regarding walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures.
On the 20th of December, 2021, I was walking when there was -6 degrees Celsius (21,2 degrees Fahrenheit). The truth is that I was walking shortly. My strolling lasted 20 minutes. Still, I was wearing sneakers, shorts, and the www.adammazek.com t-shirt. Did I feel cold? I felt that the air is freezing cold. Still, the truth is that twenty minutes was not enough time for my body to cool down. So why didn’t I walk longer? It is because I always remember one statement while I take my winter walks. Which one? Safety first. I wrote this text on the 21st of December, 2021, during the first day of Winter 2021/2022.
It is the beginning of the coldest season.
Thus, I prefer to stay safe and handle frigid temperatures carefully. I know that Autumn 2021 began my romance with the cold outside. Luckily, I do not have to prove anything to anyone regarding my friendship with freezing temperatures. I expose my body to coldness to have good fun and for my health. Still, I want to stress, my Dear Friend, that my cold journey started in the middle of April 2021. It was a month when I started to take cold showers regularly. I plan to cool down my body in my bathroom until my death. I hope that I will be able to do it.
The truth is that thanks to exposing my body to coldness, I no longer have to seek adrenaline in my life.
I can find it in my bathroom. The last day of Autumn 2021 provided me the subsequent stimulus to fight with myself for myself. How do I fight with myself? I do it by overcoming my weaknesses. Coldness much helps me in doing it.