Last time I was reading my old post, named “Sitting.” After reading it, I realized that I need to update the information regarding my backpains.
In the mentioned-above text, I wrote that when I sit, my back hurts quickly. For today, the situation looks a little bit different. For some time, that is, since I stopped leaning on the office chair, I found that the pain was getting lesser and lesser. Speaking shortly, I found that leaning on the chair is something that is damaging my lower back. All these things happened in September 2019. The fact is that I also added an exercise in which I am crouching (all over my feet) and pulling my buttocks down to the maximum. When I do this exercise, I feel that my spine adjusts excellent, and my back muscles are strengthening.
What gives me all these things, that is ergonomic sitting and new exercise for my back?
Since September 2019, I possess less back pain. If you also have it for a long time, my Dear Friend, stop leaning on your chair, during your work in the office. For me, it was the first step to receive regular back pains. How does this advice relate to professional drivers or people for whom driving takes the most of their work? Thanks to the exercise mentioned above, they will strengthen their back muscles. In the long term, it will bring a general improvement and relief in functioning.
Once again, if you are an office worker, I highly recommend not to use leanings in standard office chairs. Also, if you already possess backpains, start to stretch your backs by crouching, all over your feet, and pulling your buttocks down to the maximum. During the first days, it should bring you relief. Then, it will strengthen your muscles so you will be able to sit without leaning for eight hours. One more update: do not also forget to improve your upper back. Swimming, in general, could give you relief and provide you with power for both the lower and upper back.